Promoting European Values through Key Messages

The Erasmus+ project EU365 aims at enhancing participation, diversity, and environmental awareness in VET to increase active European citizenship, inclusivity and climate friendly lifestyles all year long.

The small partnership from Austria, Slovenia and Ireland has developed engaging calendars that bring European values to any school or VET classroom or to any workplace or WBL environment. There are three main topics to choose from (and you can download all of them for free!):

  • EU Values and Participation in Democratic Life
  • Green & Environmentally-Friendly Lifestyles
  • Diversity and Inclusion


There is even a mixed version that unites all three topics. Each month is dedicated to a different key message - and on top of this, a handy QR code leads to a complementary quick activity to internalise and experience the meaning of the message. All activities are also collected in an online toolkit and available as PDF download for teachers, VET teachers and WBL mentors.

But there is more!

The EU365 project runs a social media campaign on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that promotes these key messages and many more for a whole year! They started in August 2022 and will post a new message every day until the end of July 2023. And keep an eye out - there will be some challenges ahead that bear the chance to win cool prizes!