September 2024 - April 2027
The MC GREEN project is aiming at the development and application of a worldwide recognised quality assurance model (ISO17024) for the awarding of micro credentials in vocational education in Europe. Based on an in depth analysis of the requirements of ISO17024 on one hand and micro credentials offered in VET in Europe on the other hand, a convergence strategy for its application will be developed and demonstrated on the basis of 2 innovative micro credential offers in green economy.
Within the project the partners will initially analyse and research the requirements of ISO17024 as well as micro credentials in VET leading to the development of a convergence strategy which explains the application of the ISO17024 quality assurance model for the awarding of micro credentials in European VET. In a next step the partnership will develop 2 dedicated micro credentials (energy and waste management for EQF 2 and circular economy models for EQF 5) and test the developed approach.
The main results of the MC GREEN project are a convergence strategy for application of ISO17024 for quality assurance of micro credentials in European VET as well as 2 fully developed and tested micro credentials in the field of green economy (energy and waste management as well as circular economy) on EQF level 2 and 5 including a certification and examination procedure, training of examiners and full application of the ISO17024 personnel certification norm for micro credential awarding.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.