(10/2016 - 09/2018)
The objective of SPACE 4 COCREATE – Open and Innovative Spaces for Collaborative Working Between VET Providers and Business Organisations are to create and open model, methodology and tools based on the innovation models, addressed to the VET centre professionals (teachers, mentors, guiders…). The project will develop innovation projects with companies through young VET teams to strengthen the connection/relation between VET providers and the business actors (education and employment). Thereby synergies between education and business world are supported, giving VET students the possibility to work on the real projects, cases etc., coming from the companies inside the VET workshops, labs etc.
The main outputs will be a SPACE 4 COCREATE MODEL (Open Innovation model) to develop applied innovation projects with companies and young VET teams. It will define a better way to collaborate between VET Systems and Employment, how to improve synergies between Education, Research and Innovation fields. Furthermore a SPACE 4 COCREATE TOOL BOX will be developed, containing methodologies, tools and resources to favor the conceptualization, design, implementation and validation of applied innovation projects addressed to VET Centres, involving both VET and Business Sector.
Please find us on Facebook or contact carina.posch(at)auxilium.co.at for more information.