
Elevate September 2023 – April 2026   The main objective of the ELEVATE project is to develop innovative approaches and tools for SMEs to find a customised solution to the problem of skills shortage, which is and will become a major challenge for the European economy in global competition and European society as a whole … read more

Integrate Project

Integrate September 2023 – August 2025   Bridging cultures, empowering communities Integrate, an Erasmus+ funded initiative, is at the forefront of fostering intercultural understanding and global citizenship across Europe. With a consortium of diverse and expert organizations, we unite to create impactful, sustainable change.   Our mission and vision Our mission extends beyond education; it’s … read more

Gaming Disorders

Gaming Disorders October 2023 – September 2025   The ERASMUS+ school project Upskilling School Staff Responsible for Psychological and Social Support to Identify, Report and Prevent “Gaming Disorders” includes partners from Portugal, Spain, Germany, Cyprus, Ireland and Austria and has the following main objectives: Equip teachers and educational staff with the necessary competences and tools … read more

Green Meme Effect

Green Meme Effect January 2023 – January 2025 The GREEN MEME EFFECT project has three main objectives: [1] Foster and promote green thinking, lifestyle and attitudes in youth and marginalised youth. [2] Equip the actors in the physical and digital social space (youth workers, youth support, parents, peers, companies/NGOs/local authorities) to become green role models … read more

Be Well

Be Well September 2022 – August 2024 BeWell aims to to support young employees and vocational educators to address the rising mental health issues afflicting Europe’s young adults today.Promoting the health and well-being has been a primary concern of employers, but the demands on employers to safeguard the well-being of employees have been augmented since … read more


Scouts4GreenApp November 2022 – October 2025 Sustainable Development Goals – Impact for your company and VET Mobility Going abroad as part of the learning experience in VET is quite popular among all of Europe. While developing personally and occupationally, the VET learners also have to develop skills and competencies for the global development and a better … read more


Path2EU4AE: Empowering access to EU Programmes for adult education institutions December 2022 – March 2024 There are numerous EU funding programs – but we also need the appropriate know-how to get a funding. This is difficult especially for small and atypical adult education institutions that have little or no prior experience in applying for funding. … read more


Interface (11/2021 – 11/2023) The INTERFACE project will create a compendium of interactive learning resources for the development of key transversal skills of support low-skilled workers and trainees to retain and sustain employment in the months and years ahead. It will deliver a range of progressive learning resources designed to achieve specific and agreed learning … read more

Micro Quest

Micro Quest (01/2022 – 07/2024) MICRO QUEST: Innovative Quality Evaluation Strategy forMicro-credentials in non-formal VET in Europe In front of the overall project aim of the MICRO QUEST project which is the investigation and research as well as the development of an approach for identification and quality assurance of micro-credentials in VET in Europe, the … read more


WBL PRO 2.0 (11/2021- 11/2023) The project focuses on developing and building/upgrading a digital platform, on the promotion of innovative approaches to WBL, inclusion and consideration of the needs of all key players involved in the WBL process (VET students, schools and companies), use of digital technologies for pedagogical, administrative, technical and organisational change, accessibility … read more