Micro Quest
(01/2022 - 07/2024)
MICRO QUEST: Innovative Quality Evaluation Strategy forMicro-credentials in non-formal VET in Europe
In front of the overall project aim of the MICRO QUEST project which is the investigation and research as well as the development of an approach for identification and quality assurance of micro-credentials in VET in Europe, the project partnership has defined four main activity streams which are forming the basis for the expected project results:
1) Implementation of an investigation research to identify the concrete needs and requirements of the target group (VET providers) regarding the use of micro-credentials for their training offers as well as to identify suitable quality assurance approaches which are meeting the requirements of micro-credentials and can be used for quality assurance during the definition and awarding of micro-credentials by VET providers (e.g. EQAVET, ISO, TQM etc).
2) Development of a guideline for VET providers: if micro-credentials should be used on a broad and comparable level within Europe, the VET providers would need an easy and clear guideline, how they can deduct and define micro-credentials in their learning offer (with a special focus also on online learning offers such as MOOCs, webinars, online coaching).
3) Development of a training workshop concept for (non)-formal VET providers: besides the written guidelines we find it important that representatives of VET providers, external experts in VET etc. get a practical training on e.g. how to deduct and define a micro-credentials from the training programme offered, requirements for awarding of micro-credentials, quality assurance approaches for micro-credentials, mutual recognition of micro-credentials.
4) Development of a network of (non)-formal VET providers for micro-credentials in Europe: for its success we believe that we would immediately need to establish a broad network of potential VET providers who are on one hand providing micro-credentials in different sectors and learning topics and on the other hand are also willing to accept and trust other VET providers who have awarded microcredentials. The members of this network will be non-formal VET providers who have all committed to the same ways of quality assurance and mutual trust. Their offer of micro-credentials will be displayed in an online platform ready to be used by potential VET learners.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.