PINE-D (01/2015 – 06/2016)   Participation approaches for mentally disabled persons IN the democratic life othe European Union: Discussion, involvement, engagement (PINE-D) is aiming to involve people with mental and complex forms of disability, helping them express their views on Europe and specific topics. Through discussing and identifying ways for participation in debate and reflections … read more

ECVET goes Business

ECVET goes Business (10/2015 – 09/2017)   With the ECVET goes Business project it is aimed to develop an approach to make ECVET and other European transparency instruments relevant for regular human resource (HR) processes of companies. A focus is put on providing materials and information in a format and language companies can use and … read more


Skills#EU (01/2016 – 12/2017)   Skills#EU builds on the existing enthusiasm of trainees taking part in a placement abroad to equip them with the skills necessary to activate their European citizenship. The program Erasmus+ provides opportunities for young people to gain essential skills for their personal and professional development. Young Europeans shall become ‘infected’ by … read more


M_APP (01/2014 – 12/2015)   Travel broadens the mind! We are all familiar with this well known phrase – but how do we know that it’s really true? Within the M_APP project, an app for smartphones and tablet PCs for documenting the enhancement of knowledge, experiences and skills during transnational mobilities is developed. As well … read more


OpenPROF (09/2015 – 09/2016)   The Erasmus+ project addresses key innovations in training of teachers and trainers, as well as adult educators: open educational resource (OER) and open curriculum development and licensing, open collaboration, as well as designing curriculum for diverse target groups including the mode of work-based learning. The projects aim is to foster … read more


REMO (10/2014 – 09/2016)   The aim of the REMO project is to foster regional exchange and improve the quality of working mobility. Therefore, an online platform and a network will be developed which allows everyone involved in vocational education and training (VET) to be informed, inform and connect/interact with each other to plan and … read more

Earlier Projects (before Erasmus+)

KIM (01/2013 – 12/2014) Funded through the European Union’s Programme for Lifelong Learning the KIM project mainly aimed to improvet and promote the social inclusion and gender equality of migrants in European countries. In times of dramatically reduced public expenditure of European countries especially for social matters, the inclusion and support of migrants is facing … read more