Youth Courage

Youth Courage (05/2022 – 06/2024) YOUTH COURAGE – You are part of the solution! Empowering marginalised youth to reconnect with their social support system and facilitating personal growth to enable more active citizenship and solidarity. To fully answer to this aim and the needs described above, the YOUTH COURAGE project partnership works on three objectives: … read more


EU365 (03/2022 – 09/2023) Our aim is to promote participation, diversity and environmental awareness in vocational education and training to support active European citizenship, inclusivity and climate-friendly lifestyles all year round. The European Union influences our lives for the better every day. Every day we communicate a new key message about the EU. The project … read more


Escape 2 Stay (10/2020 – 03/2023) The Erasmus+ project “Escape to Stay” aims to improve the image of VET so that it is perceived as a first choice and not only as an alternative to studying at university. For this purpose, an international partnership is developing and testing new strategies that arouse curiosity for vocational … read more

Green VET Choices

Green VET Choices (02/2022 – 03/2024)   VET professions offer rich opportunities for individuals interested in green technologies, green entrepreneurship, green social business and related environmentally-conscious industries. These professions and career paths play a key role in the pursuit of a healthier environment and green growth in European economies. The Green VET Choices project sees … read more


WBL GOES VIRTUAL (05/2021-06/2022) Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an essential part of Vocational Education and Training (VET) all over Europe, especially in the initial training circle (iVET). When young people enhance their theoretical know-how by working in a real life environment through a placement in a company or even a long-term apprenticeship, they gain valuable … read more

Silver Service

Silver Service (10/2019 – 03/2021) The project proposes the development and implementation of a bespoke training programme designed for a senior’s target group comprising older workers approaching retirement and recent retirees. This will incorporate a training curriculum and a suite of appropriate teaching resources to enable the redeployment of the seniors target group as volunteers … read more


WBL-Q (10/2020 – 09/2022) From 2020-2022, a transnational partnership of 7 professional organisations from 6 EU countries work together to develop a self-evaluation tool for quality in work-based learning (2022), which will be applied by staff responsible for work-based learning processes in their organisation. The tool will be accompanied by a handbook (2022) for these … read more

VET Reality

VET REALITY (10/2020 – 11/2022) VETREALITY is a transnational project funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Seven project partners from six EU countries are working together to promote innovative learning approaches and methods and to provide digital competences for teaching and training. Another aim is to increase technological competences related to VR … read more


SWIM (09/2020 – 08/2022) “See What I Mean – a Visual Dictionary Project” (SWIM) is an Erasmus+ funded project. It aims to strengthen key competences of students and provide more effective opportunities to acquire and develop skills that are important for competitiveness in the labour market. It also aims to build the language skills of … read more


SOMRA (11/2020 – 10/2022) “Supporting meaningful Occupations for Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum seekers using the Green Entrepreneurship Model” is an Erasmus+ funded project. SOMRA offers an innovative approach to addressing two major challenges of the 21st century, namely climate change and the refugee crises, by engaging refugees, asylum seekers and people with a migrant background … read more